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September, 2016: Welcome!


Welcome to my blog! This website will feature photos and films from my work in period 1 TV. Thank you for visiting and please enjoy!

October, 2016: Module Completion and Stories for this month


Happy October! I'm happy to say that I have completed modules 1-4 (photos can be seen on my films and projects page). Module 5 is an interview, which will be included in the most recent story I've been working on with Alessandra Varon and Meghan Ring, featuring The League of Women Voters. The story will be in the Films and Projects tab of my website by Monday, October 17. I will also be preparing for and working on a story for the STN film competition in the upcoming weeks, which will be completed and published in my Films and Projects by the end of October. Have a great Halloween!

December 2016: Holiday story

Happy December! This month the NHS film department was working on a christmas special. After we finished up the storyboard and script, we planned the day to film. We spent about 3 hours in South Norwood, it was very cold outside. The kids were really patient and the whole filming process went really well. We took our time and did a lot of retakes. It came out really cute and I was very happy with it! 

February/March: Spirit of Festival


This term we made The Spirit of Festival video. The clips were taken over several weeks. We filmed Norwood's rehearsals early on, and also 8 other technical rehearsals the week before the actual festival. The rest of the footage was taken on the day of. It was a fun video to make because all three of us spent so much time working on festival, and it was rewarding to make a video based on the hard work that goes into that. We received an Honorable Mention in the competition. 

January 2017: Puppet Library

This month we set out to film a documentary to enter into a contest. We brainstormed for a few days and finally ended up with the Puppet Library. I was nervous going into it but the filming process was very relaxed and interesting. The woman we interviewed was a really sweet and talented woman, and the documentary was really unique. This is my favorite story that I have done so far

April: Senior video


Before April vacation, we were assigned a senior video project. Meghan and I decided we would make a video for the drama department looking back on their high school experience. The video includes clips from several different productions, and interviews with the seniors in drama reflecting on the close bonds we made this year. Filming the interviews was my favorite part because it was the most personal topic I've done a tv project on.

May: Senior Video Continued


This month we continued to make the senior video focused on the seniors in the drama department. Drama put on the production of Hearts Like Fists, which is in the video. After we got all of the clips





and the idea, we spent this month doing the paperwork and editing. We are showing our drama class the video today.



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